Monday, 11 April 2011

My Trip to Firth

Mrs Roskam had to teach on Friday so guess what??
I snuck into her bag and went along for the ride. She couldn't do anything about it once we were at school!
I went to breakfast club with some of the children. Can you see what I had to eat? It was yum!
Some of the teachers saw me at the table and were sooooo excited they just had to have a photo taken with me. Mr Gilmore had to shake my hand and Mr Mitchell wanted to shake my foot!! How funny is that?
The children taught me how to go on the balance board. I was good at it!
I was getting in the way Mrs Roskam said so I got pegged up by the the daily timetable to make sure I was being good. I liked watching what everyone was doing.

I even got to have some Popcorn at brain food break.
It was tasty.
I even got to eat some Feijoas. They were so yummy! Do you like Feijoas?

At the end of the day I went to Senior Assembly. We sang lots of cool songs and gave out the senior shield to the best class. What a busy day I had.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Daisy Boo

See, she just snuck up when I was resting
See those Claws on my leg!!!!
They look soft but claws pop out of these paws
Look how bent I am!

Hi Room 1 I got Mrs Roskam to take these pictures to show you what Daisy Boo has been up to. She sneaks up on me and then either swats me with her sharp claws or pounces on me and then makes holes in my arms!!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

I'm cold

Brrrrrrrrrr it is cold this morning!! The cat is still chasing me have you got any ideas what I can do?

Monday, 4 April 2011

Slide Show

Dear Room 1
What a busy day trying to get a powerpoint slide show onto a blog. It doesn't work!!!
I have sent you an email instead with it attached please enjoy.
Love Mr F Stanley